• 1.1. All intellectual property rights within SISTEM belongs to REALTA and are protected by Undang Undang HAKI Republik Indonesia (Intellectual Property Law of the Republic of Indonesia).

  • 1.2. All intellectual property rights of SISTEM and any other products are not sold or transferred to CLIENT or any other parties.

  • 1.3. This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between CLIENT and REALTA for access to SISTEM.

  • 1.3.1. The use of SISTEM that is made available under this AGREEMENT is licensed, not sold, to CLIENT by REALTA. REALTA reserves all rights not expressly granted hereunder. 

  • 1.3.2. No right, title or interest in or to any patent, copyright, trademark, service mark, logo or trade name of REALTA is granted under this AGREEMENT. REALTA owns all copyrights and trademarks in and to SISTEM.

  • 1.3.3. CLIENT or any other third party may not copy or clone (or any similar actions) SISTEM, or modify or distribute all or any portion of SISTEM. The CLIENT agrees to use best effort and make efforts to take normal precautionary actions to ensure the protection of SISTEM at the CLIENT site

  • 1.3.4. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, and its related parties is forbidden to use SISTEM which are implemented in PROPERTY for any purpose other than management of PROPERTY. 

  • 1.3.5. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, and its related parties is not allowed to provide access to SISTEM, whether local or remote, to any other parties that is not a direct employee of CLIENT or HOTEL MANAGEMENT, without express written consent of REALTA. 

  • 1.3.6. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, or any other party may not rent, lease, lend or encumber SISTEM.

  • 1.3.7. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, or any other party may not create copies, clone, or perform similar actions to SISTEM. 

  • 1.3.8. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, or any other party may not decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, counterfeit, or perform similar actions to SISTEM. 

  • 1.3.9. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, or any other party may not distribute SISTEM as a whole or in parts.

  • 1.3.10. CLIENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, or any other third party may not publish or provide the results of any benchmark tests run on, or any reports generated by, SISTEM to any third party without the prior written consent of REALTA.

  • 1.3.11. License to use SISTEM provided to CLIENT is valid only for SISTEM as installed by REALTA. Should there be any modifications to SISTEM performed by parties other than REALTA, or failure to strictly observe the agreements set forth herein, then automatic revocation of the license will occur. Upon revocation, CLIENT has the responsibility to fully uninstall SISTEM. Revocation of license also grants REALTA to conduct full uninstallation of SISTEM.

  • 1.3.12. CLIENT and HOTEL MANAGEMENT have ownership upon the data that is generated by the SISTEM as a result of business transactions. ALL PARTIES have the responsibility to plan and conduct best efforts to protect confidentiality of data.